Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chapter 14 Blog

1.) John G. Roberts, Jr. chief justice of the United States was nominated by President George W, Bush and he took his seat on September 29, 2005. I thought it was interesting that he worked as associate counsel to Ronald Reagan , from 1982-1986. On June 28, 2012, Roberts delivered the majority opinion on health care reform. The court ruled that, although " individual mandate" component of the act was unconstitutional under the commerce clause, it could be construed as a tax and therefore valid under congress's authority to "lay and collect taxes." I agree this is the only way Obama-care could pass.

2.) I believe that Judicial review should be used sparingly. This power is not explicitly in the constitution. I believe that certain things that congress and states do must be reviewed, but I don't believe that everything should come before a judicial review. Most of these judges are just as political as the congress and states are. I believe a lot of these rulings should be put on a ballot and let the people decide.

3.) I believe in a strict construction of the constitution. I believe the framers of the constitution knew what they were talking about. When you start changing the constitution, you will change the solid foundation that United States of America was built on.

I commented on: Robert Cook, Pam Smith, and Tinisha Key.  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Chapter 13 Blog

1.) I feel like the central intelligence agency is the most important agency that America has. This agency was established in 1947 under President Truman. The CIA is an independent agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior U.S policymakers. The CIA's mission is to analyze, collect, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the President and senor U.S government policymakers in making decisions relating to national security.

2.) I believe the internal revenue service agency should be terminated. This agency started in 1863 during the civil war under President Abraham Lincoln. This agency was established to collect a temporary income tax to pay for war expenses. The initial rate was 3% on income over 800 dollars. Today this agency employees thousands of workers and they are expected to employee 16,000 more due to Obama-care. I believe this agency could be terminated and a flat tax could be implemented, instead of all the tax loopholes that are currently in existence.

3.) If I were President of the United States, I would not create any new agency's. I would evaluate every existing agency and eliminate the one's that were not needed. We as a nation cannot keep creating government jobs at tax payers expense.

I commented on: Tinisha Key, Robert Cook, and Pam Smith.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chapter 12 Blog

Chapter 12 Blog

1.) What i feel that makes a President great is his ability to understand the position he holds as the most powerful person on the planet. He must have a vision for the Unites States of America. He must possess the ability to communicate this vision to the people and the ability to negotiate with congress. He must be a leader and understand the constitution of the United States.

2.) Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton in my opinion are two of the most greatest Presidents America has ever had. Both of these men were great communicators. Ronald Reagan was strong in his leadership and they gave him credit for ending the cold war. Bill Clinton lead an economic boom, that had never been heard of before. Even though he was impeached by Congress, but never convicted. Polls predict, if he ran today for office he would be re-elected. 

3.) Lyndon Baines Johnson, President from 1963-1969. The programs he called the great society, were an expansion of FDR's new deal. He expanded the social welfare programs in health care, education, and housing. He convinced congress to pass the civil rights act of 1964. Voting rights act of 1965. Also, the Fair Housing Act of 1968. He was effective because, he knew how to negotiate.

I commented on: Tinisha Key, Robert Cook, and Donna Binford.    

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Chapter 11 Blog

1.) The two senators serving the state of Tennessee at this time are Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker. Bob Corker just won re-election to another 6 year term. He is a former mayor of Chattanooga. Lamar Alexander will be up for re-election in 2014, but at age 72 one has to wonder if he will seek another term. He is a former two term governor of Tennessee. Chuck Fleishman is the congressman and was just re-elected for his second term.

2.) Lamar Alexander is someone who I believe really tries to make a difference in Washington. He was recognized by the National Association of Manufactures for his "pro-growth, pro-jobs" record. Alexander said " Tennessee auto industry is strong because we made it possible for manufactures to make it in the United States, what they sell in the United States". He supports policies that would make the United States the best place in the world to manufacture and attract foreign investment, expand access to global markets and to develop a twenty-first century work force.

3.) Senator Bob Corker is just one of three republicans in the senate to be in favor of strategic reduction of weapons. I strongly disagree with this action I believe the United States of America must always be the strongest nation in the world. I believe we are on the verge of a major war as we look around the world is at deteriorating conditions. Now is not the time to reduce our military or our weaponry.

I commented on: Robert Cook, Tinisha Key, and Stephanie Griffin.        

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chapter 10 Blog

1.) In the supreme court case, Bush vs Gore. I agree with the majority, without specific standards for gauging  the intent of the voter, there was no way to determine how they meant to vote except by guessing and that would have no doubt been bias as to who you supported. Also, there had to be a time limit, the election was in November and still no one knew who the President elect was. This could have went on a long time.

2.) It takes a lot of money to run a campaign, especially if you want to win. You can easily spend $10,000 dollars on a county wide race. It takes millions to run a nationwide race. So yes there are a lot of candidates with a lot of great ideas who will never be elected or will not ever run, because of the lack of money. I think it's  a big problem and I feel like we need campaign finance reform. There should be a limit to how much candidates can receive and no loop holes.

3.) I think it's pitiful that we have such low voter turn out for elections. Some countries don't even give their citizens the right to vote. I believe one of the reasons for such Apathy is that the people feel like nothing ever changes. We here politicians make every kind of promise you can imagine when their running for office and when their elected everything pretty much stays the same. I believe one way of changing this mindset is to have term limits for every office.

I commented on: Robert Cook, Stephanie Griffin, and Tinisha Key.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blog Chapter 9

1.) Identify with the Republican party. The first President that I voted for was Ronald Reagan and I've voted republican ever since. The reason being is, the republican party lines up with my belief in moral values, capitalism and the free market. Socialism a proven failure. The republican party for the most part is for having a smaller government. I feel like our government has grown at a rate that the rest of the country can't keep up with. This last quarter our economy grew at 2% GDP and most of that was from federal government.

2.) I'm not sure about whether we need political parties in America or not, but I feel like for the most part part our two party systems have failed the American people. Our country at this moment is in a financial mess. Our national debt is around 16 trillion dollars and growing and our political leaders don't seem to understand what's at risk. When I was growing up I never dreamed that America would have to borrow money from China. Our country has given so much in foreign aid, to other countries that never reach the populas, it's just spent on their military. I sometimes wish there was a third party that would rise up with better ideas about how to fix the problems of America.

3.) I really like the Tea Party. Taxed Enough Already!! I feel like we are taxed enough already. In this county I live in, we have the highest unemployment rate in the state of Tennessee. County government Has to have money to run, so that means higher taxes. Our property taxes go up every year and this year they added a wheel tax to our county. This is an example of how things work at a county level to the state level then all the way to the top at the federal government. The tea party stands for lower taxes, smaller government, moral value, and conservatism. I agree to all of that.

I commented on: Robert Cook, Davis Smith, and Tinisha Keys.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Chapter 8

1.) The national education association is the largest professional organization and the largest labor union in the United States. They represent public school teachers and other support personnel. This group is a major supporter of the democratic party and their liberal agenda. I feel like this group has to much influence in congress. They are so powerful that most governors will not take them on when it comes to education return.

2.) The national rifle association is an interest group that I positively associate with. This is a non-profit lobbying group That lobbies for the protection of the right to bear arms according to the second amendment of the United States Bill of Rights. There are a lot of politicians who would like to take away our rights to guns. So I am thankful for interest groups like The National Rifle Association.

3.) Washington is full of interest groups lobbying congress everyday. I feel like these groups have become to powerful and it's one of the reasons congress never gets anything done. You have some very powerful people who since leaving congress have became lobbiest. I believe they should be banned from serving as lobbiest after being in congress.  

I commented on: Donna Binford, Robert Cook, amd Stephanie Griffin

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Blog 7

1.) Does objectivity still exist in the media's coverage of politics?

     I do believe objectivity exist in the media's coverage of politics. To me media outlets today seem like they try to present the news concerning politics in a way to try and structure the minds of the voters, to convince them of one politician over another. Most of the media today are very liberal and they support liberals and try to push their agendas. Fox news is the most objective in my opinion. A lot of people will disagree and call them a republican station. But if you listen to the other stations you will learn that they always report good news concerning president Obama and negative news when it comes to Mitt Romney. I watch the news all the time and I believe CNN is the most bias station.

2.) How does talk radio affect your view of politics?

     I listen to talk radio all the time while I'm in my vehicle driving down the road. I enjoy listening to Rush Limbaugh, because he is a conservative and he talks about the issues concerning our country. I also listen to Michael Savage and the Savage nation. He is very bold about his ideas and maybe to strong for some of the listeners. I think the public should be aware of the issues facing our great nation.

3.) Is media objectively important?

     I believe media objectively is very important. the media should report the news and try to shape it. I use to feel like when you heard the news that you could believe it, but now I'm very skeptical when it comes to certain networks.

I commented on: Robert Cook, Donna Binford, & Stephanie Griffin

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chapter 6 Blog

Chapter 6 Blog

1. Is American news media too dependent upon polls?
     I believe the American news media rely way too much on polls. Most of the media has become so bias in their reporting that I don't put any confidence in their polls at all. I believe they try to influence the outcome of election. 

2. How important is political party identification to you? 
     I vote for the person and not for the party. I am very conservative and I vote for people whom share my views. As for my family they hold to the same values, some are and were republicans and democrats.I have friends and co-workers whom hold the same value. I do know people whom are dedicated to one particular party no matter what. I do feel as though the parties are farther apart than ever before.

3. Do you feel that your opinion of politics is more influenced by economic issues or social issues?
      I am defiantly more influenced by social issues than by economic ones. I know that we have to have a strong economy for our country to survive. That is why I believe in our morality as a nation. As a God fearing nation we need to hold to the principles and the foundation that our fore fathers laid out for our country. " righteousness exaltheth the nation."

Blogs I commented on: Robert Cook, Donna Binford, & Jesse Griffith

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chapter 5 Blog

The Issue of Race
     Although it took our Government a long time before it ever addressed the issue of racial discrimination, I'm thankful it did. I thankful for people like Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King, and former president John F. Kennedy just to name a few, whom were willing to stand against racial discrimination. I think it was a very sad time in the history of our government when people were forced to drink out of different water fountains or sit in different places in restaurants or buses or were not allowed to attend the same schools or socialize with one another, because of different skin color. I do not agree with affirmative action. It's sad to say there will always be racial discrimination with some people who refuse to change.

The Issue of Gender
     Our Government has come along way with regard to women's rights. The laws that have been passed and put into place has helped women in the United States and I believe other countries as well. I believe of a woman can so the job that a man is doing, then she should be entitled to just as much compensation.According to statistics men on the average still receive more pay than women do. I believe the Government still needs to do more to bring the pay rate to an equal amount. However, I don't believe a woman should get a job over a man just because of quotas. I think the job should go to the individual that is most qualified.

The Issue of Sexual Orientation
     I believe that discrimination of any type is wrong and it hurts the people that is being discriminated against. I believe that sexual orientation is different in the fact that it has to do with ones actions. I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I don't believe that a man and a man or a woman and woman should have the same rights. I know there a lot of people who will disagree, but that's how I feel about it and I don't think our Government should promote gay marriage or gay rights. I don't believe that judges should be allowed to legislate from the bench, let the voters decide.

Blogs I posted on: Robert Cook, Stephanie Griffin, and Donna Binford

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Chapter 4 Blog

1. Freedom of Speech

     The Freedom of Speech is one of the greatest freedoms that we have. The freedom of speech allows us to give our opinion of any given situation in the country, whether we agree or disagree. It also allows us to speak up for the Bill of Rights. It does not allow the right of yell fire in a movie theater or any other establishment, that could result in injury. It does not give us the right to reveal military secrets, which could harm America and our solider that serve our country. 

2. Freedom of Religion 

     The phrase by Thomas Jefferson concerning separation of church and state is not in the constitution. It is a phrase drawn upon by liberals whom want to restrict "God" in our schools and government. The original wording was so described to prevent the United States of America having a national church as England did. This was to prevent students praying before ball games or other school activities. I believe this is completely unfair. These issues should be voted on by the people and not put in the hand of liberal judges to write laws instead of interrupting them.  

3. Criminal Procedure

     I believe criminal rights are crucial to our system of government. Without these rights some would be railroaded into prison without a fair trial. Without the rights of a court appointed attorney, so many people in our society couldn't afford an attorney. Sometime the officers decide to work outside the boundaries of law, including illegal searches, seizure, harassment, ect... I believe everyone should be treated the same when it comes to legal matters. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

1. Is a strong national government necessary or should the state government have an equal share of power?why?
      A strong national government is very necessary. That was proven when the nation was under the articles of confederation. The national government must have the power to wage war, raise taxes, regulate commerce, sign treaties, etc... On some issues there has to be a national policy. However, I do believe the state should retain power over a lot of policies, such as education, gun laws immigration, and health care. I do not believe the national government should mandate programs to states and then not provide the funding, such as the no child left behind program. There has to be some balance of power between the national government and the states. 

2. National power increases during the Great Depression but then power began to shift back to the states during the Reagan administration? Why did that happen and is that shift appropriate? 
     After the stock market crash of 1929. The country went into a Great Depression. People wanted the national government to provide help for the economy. The supreme court began to accept a broad authority of congress to regulate the economy. The federal government continued to grow and increase in power all the way through to the Johnson administration. The Nixon administration began shifting powers back to the states. President Nixon thought that the states could spend the revenues from the government better than the federal bureaucracy could. President Ronald Reagan felt the same way and sought to reduce the power of the federal government. He changed the way states could use the grant monies they received from the federal government. I feel it is appropriate, because I believe the states should have the right to spend money on the programs there state needs the most.

3. Education stirs much discussion relating to the issue of federalism. Should the national government regulate education or is it a matter best to state and local governments? Why?
      I feel like the education system should be handled by the  states and not the federal government. I believe the states have a better idea on how to provide a better education for our children.They work with the local school boards and that includes the school superintendent, principals, teachers, students, and the parents. It would stop the federal government from mandating programs and not funding them. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Chapter 2 Blog Assignment

1.) How important was the shift from the Article of Confederation to the Constitution we now have?

     The Articles of Confederation were put in place at the beginning as the United States of America became a nation. These articles were very limited in the power they gave congress, due to the belief that Great Britain had violate the rights of the people. They express freedom over order. It gave congress the power to decide boundaries, coin money, establish post offices, but no order to regulate commerce, or it didn't give any authority over the citizens over the United States. Congress could not tax citizens or states; therefore the country had an insufficient amount of money to pay the nations debts. There wasn't any military power, which left America vulnerable to attacks from other countries and chaos from within. The shift of the constitution made the national government work much more effectively and still protect the rights of the citizens.

2.) How critical and important are The Bill of Rights?

     The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, it has secured the freedom of the American citizen's for over 200 years. The federalist argued that The Bill of Rights was not necessary because congress had only the power granted by the Constitution. The Anti-federalist were concerned about excessive national power, they believed the amendments should be part of the Constitution, to protect the rights of the people. They didn't want the the United States of America to have a national religion, as Great Britain did. They wanted the people to have free exercise of  religion. They also wanted the Right to Bear Arms, The Right to a Trial by Jury and the assistance of an attorney to be part of the Constitution, so that these rights could never be taken away.

3.) How do you view capital punishment?

     I believe capital punishment is appropriate in certain cases. For example: Murder, Kidnapping, and Treason. If you look at the 8th amendment it seems to go against the death penalty on the cruel and unusual punishment wording, but the 14th amendment seems to support the death penalty. I do believe it should only be used when it is beyond a shadow of a doubt the individual is guilty. I believe all DNA evidence should be present at trial, if found guilty I believe the person should be allowed the due process of law, however i do not not believe waiting 20 years to follow through with the punishment.       

Thursday, August 30, 2012

About Myself

      Hi, my name is Edward King. I liked to be called Ed. I have 5 girls. I have lived in Scott County my entire life. This is my sophomore year in college. I'm majoring in Business Management. I work as a security guard at the former Scott County Hospital. I've been a Minister for 19 years. I plan on learning more on how the United States Government operates, how it originated and what the future holds for our great nation. I look forward to sharing discussions with fellow students and viewing the different ideas of each individual. I have always enjoyed learning about politics, so I believe I will find this class very interesting.