Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chapter 5 Blog

The Issue of Race
     Although it took our Government a long time before it ever addressed the issue of racial discrimination, I'm thankful it did. I thankful for people like Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King, and former president John F. Kennedy just to name a few, whom were willing to stand against racial discrimination. I think it was a very sad time in the history of our government when people were forced to drink out of different water fountains or sit in different places in restaurants or buses or were not allowed to attend the same schools or socialize with one another, because of different skin color. I do not agree with affirmative action. It's sad to say there will always be racial discrimination with some people who refuse to change.

The Issue of Gender
     Our Government has come along way with regard to women's rights. The laws that have been passed and put into place has helped women in the United States and I believe other countries as well. I believe of a woman can so the job that a man is doing, then she should be entitled to just as much compensation.According to statistics men on the average still receive more pay than women do. I believe the Government still needs to do more to bring the pay rate to an equal amount. However, I don't believe a woman should get a job over a man just because of quotas. I think the job should go to the individual that is most qualified.

The Issue of Sexual Orientation
     I believe that discrimination of any type is wrong and it hurts the people that is being discriminated against. I believe that sexual orientation is different in the fact that it has to do with ones actions. I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I don't believe that a man and a man or a woman and woman should have the same rights. I know there a lot of people who will disagree, but that's how I feel about it and I don't think our Government should promote gay marriage or gay rights. I don't believe that judges should be allowed to legislate from the bench, let the voters decide.

Blogs I posted on: Robert Cook, Stephanie Griffin, and Donna Binford

1 comment:

  1. This post was very insightful. I agree with you on each statement you made. The government is slowly making laws and regulating as they should be.
