Saturday, September 22, 2012

Chapter 4 Blog

1. Freedom of Speech

     The Freedom of Speech is one of the greatest freedoms that we have. The freedom of speech allows us to give our opinion of any given situation in the country, whether we agree or disagree. It also allows us to speak up for the Bill of Rights. It does not allow the right of yell fire in a movie theater or any other establishment, that could result in injury. It does not give us the right to reveal military secrets, which could harm America and our solider that serve our country. 

2. Freedom of Religion 

     The phrase by Thomas Jefferson concerning separation of church and state is not in the constitution. It is a phrase drawn upon by liberals whom want to restrict "God" in our schools and government. The original wording was so described to prevent the United States of America having a national church as England did. This was to prevent students praying before ball games or other school activities. I believe this is completely unfair. These issues should be voted on by the people and not put in the hand of liberal judges to write laws instead of interrupting them.  

3. Criminal Procedure

     I believe criminal rights are crucial to our system of government. Without these rights some would be railroaded into prison without a fair trial. Without the rights of a court appointed attorney, so many people in our society couldn't afford an attorney. Sometime the officers decide to work outside the boundaries of law, including illegal searches, seizure, harassment, ect... I believe everyone should be treated the same when it comes to legal matters. 


  1. I agree with your view on criminal procedure.

  2. I agree that our freedom of speech is very important, because we can stand up for our Bill of Rights. But some do not feel that way, because they think their voice is never listened to.
