Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chapter 12 Blog

Chapter 12 Blog

1.) What i feel that makes a President great is his ability to understand the position he holds as the most powerful person on the planet. He must have a vision for the Unites States of America. He must possess the ability to communicate this vision to the people and the ability to negotiate with congress. He must be a leader and understand the constitution of the United States.

2.) Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton in my opinion are two of the most greatest Presidents America has ever had. Both of these men were great communicators. Ronald Reagan was strong in his leadership and they gave him credit for ending the cold war. Bill Clinton lead an economic boom, that had never been heard of before. Even though he was impeached by Congress, but never convicted. Polls predict, if he ran today for office he would be re-elected. 

3.) Lyndon Baines Johnson, President from 1963-1969. The programs he called the great society, were an expansion of FDR's new deal. He expanded the social welfare programs in health care, education, and housing. He convinced congress to pass the civil rights act of 1964. Voting rights act of 1965. Also, the Fair Housing Act of 1968. He was effective because, he knew how to negotiate.

I commented on: Tinisha Key, Robert Cook, and Donna Binford.    


  1. The economic boom Clinton created was definitely a redeeming quality of him as the President. I also agree, whole heartily with your ideas on what an ideal president would be.

  2. It's interesting how some presidents are totally aware of their power and influence on other individuals and others take advantage of their power for personal gain. I do agree that President Clinton was one of the most successful presidents of our time. The economy flourished during his reign. My husband loved playing with stocks in the stock market during his time. He said the stock market boomed and he credits Clinton.

  3. I do like Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton also. When I was doing my research for the other part of this a lot was saying that Ronald Reagan was in polls more popular then Washington. I do think he did a lot of good for us and Clinton I do think if he did run again he would get it, but some do question was it him or his wife running office when he was in there.
