Saturday, September 15, 2012

1. Is a strong national government necessary or should the state government have an equal share of power?why?
      A strong national government is very necessary. That was proven when the nation was under the articles of confederation. The national government must have the power to wage war, raise taxes, regulate commerce, sign treaties, etc... On some issues there has to be a national policy. However, I do believe the state should retain power over a lot of policies, such as education, gun laws immigration, and health care. I do not believe the national government should mandate programs to states and then not provide the funding, such as the no child left behind program. There has to be some balance of power between the national government and the states. 

2. National power increases during the Great Depression but then power began to shift back to the states during the Reagan administration? Why did that happen and is that shift appropriate? 
     After the stock market crash of 1929. The country went into a Great Depression. People wanted the national government to provide help for the economy. The supreme court began to accept a broad authority of congress to regulate the economy. The federal government continued to grow and increase in power all the way through to the Johnson administration. The Nixon administration began shifting powers back to the states. President Nixon thought that the states could spend the revenues from the government better than the federal bureaucracy could. President Ronald Reagan felt the same way and sought to reduce the power of the federal government. He changed the way states could use the grant monies they received from the federal government. I feel it is appropriate, because I believe the states should have the right to spend money on the programs there state needs the most.

3. Education stirs much discussion relating to the issue of federalism. Should the national government regulate education or is it a matter best to state and local governments? Why?
      I feel like the education system should be handled by the  states and not the federal government. I believe the states have a better idea on how to provide a better education for our children.They work with the local school boards and that includes the school superintendent, principals, teachers, students, and the parents. It would stop the federal government from mandating programs and not funding them. 

1 comment:

  1. I also feel a strong national government is important but I also think that it has to have a good checks and balances put in place.
