Saturday, October 13, 2012

Blog 7

1.) Does objectivity still exist in the media's coverage of politics?

     I do believe objectivity exist in the media's coverage of politics. To me media outlets today seem like they try to present the news concerning politics in a way to try and structure the minds of the voters, to convince them of one politician over another. Most of the media today are very liberal and they support liberals and try to push their agendas. Fox news is the most objective in my opinion. A lot of people will disagree and call them a republican station. But if you listen to the other stations you will learn that they always report good news concerning president Obama and negative news when it comes to Mitt Romney. I watch the news all the time and I believe CNN is the most bias station.

2.) How does talk radio affect your view of politics?

     I listen to talk radio all the time while I'm in my vehicle driving down the road. I enjoy listening to Rush Limbaugh, because he is a conservative and he talks about the issues concerning our country. I also listen to Michael Savage and the Savage nation. He is very bold about his ideas and maybe to strong for some of the listeners. I think the public should be aware of the issues facing our great nation.

3.) Is media objectively important?

     I believe media objectively is very important. the media should report the news and try to shape it. I use to feel like when you heard the news that you could believe it, but now I'm very skeptical when it comes to certain networks.

I commented on: Robert Cook, Donna Binford, & Stephanie Griffin


  1. I'm uncertain if you understand what objectivity means. In your first line you believe objectivity exists in media's coverage, but then in the sentence following that, you say the exact opposite and state that the stations structure the minds of the voters, to convince them of one politician over another. Meaning that they would just keep their biases aside.

  2. I do think that some of the stations does push people for one side over the other. I think a lot of people are easy to persuade and will hold on to every word they are told about that party and if someone tries to tell them different they do not listen to them. I also think that there will never be just one person that will always agree with everything.
