Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chapter 14 Blog

1.) John G. Roberts, Jr. chief justice of the United States was nominated by President George W, Bush and he took his seat on September 29, 2005. I thought it was interesting that he worked as associate counsel to Ronald Reagan , from 1982-1986. On June 28, 2012, Roberts delivered the majority opinion on health care reform. The court ruled that, although " individual mandate" component of the act was unconstitutional under the commerce clause, it could be construed as a tax and therefore valid under congress's authority to "lay and collect taxes." I agree this is the only way Obama-care could pass.

2.) I believe that Judicial review should be used sparingly. This power is not explicitly in the constitution. I believe that certain things that congress and states do must be reviewed, but I don't believe that everything should come before a judicial review. Most of these judges are just as political as the congress and states are. I believe a lot of these rulings should be put on a ballot and let the people decide.

3.) I believe in a strict construction of the constitution. I believe the framers of the constitution knew what they were talking about. When you start changing the constitution, you will change the solid foundation that United States of America was built on.

I commented on: Robert Cook, Pam Smith, and Tinisha Key.  


  1. I agree that judicial review should be limited and yet it is necessary. It is a vital restraint to the powers of Congress, but, as you said, should never be overused. Our judicial branch is not as responsive to our society as Congress. And I too agree that the framers of the Constitution were confident in what they wrote and how they intended it to be read and interpreted. It is indeed our solid foundation.

  2. I too support strict construction of the United States COnstitution. I believe the Framers were intelligent and knew exactly what they were doing. We, on the other hand...not so much. We have changed stretced and bent rules, eventually, the foundation will eventually be gone. We need to go back to our roots.

  3. I think that your blog was very insightful although I disagree with Obama-Care. I think that in that case the government overstepped its bounds and while it may seem like a good think now, I think that in the future we are going to see insurance change from the way that we know it now and I think that the money we pay out of pocket for the rising costs in healthcare will be increased.

  4. I feel that judicial review is very crucial to the balance of powers in our government. If judicial review did not play an active role and did not look over the laws passed by congress there would be even more laws then there are today that impede on citizens equal rights. I also do not support "strict Constitution". I believe that the framers did not know what they talking about and had great insight when they wrote the Constitution in 1787, but they had no way or knowing or foretelling how much our nation would change and grow as it has today. I believe that Constitution must be able to grown with our nation in order to continually have equal rights for all in this nation.

  5. I have greatly enjoyed your blog and you certainly do your homework on a subject. I also feel judicial review can be a positive or a negative. I really don't like to thik the contitutionality of a law may be decided by someone who may be going on their own perception ad ideology and not really the constitution itself. I wonder what the framers would think of our world today?

  6. After reading some of you other people it does get me to look at things again in a whole new way. I do agree that some things the people should be able to vote on but if you give to much power to the people it will be a mess.
