Saturday, November 10, 2012

Chapter 11 Blog

1.) The two senators serving the state of Tennessee at this time are Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker. Bob Corker just won re-election to another 6 year term. He is a former mayor of Chattanooga. Lamar Alexander will be up for re-election in 2014, but at age 72 one has to wonder if he will seek another term. He is a former two term governor of Tennessee. Chuck Fleishman is the congressman and was just re-elected for his second term.

2.) Lamar Alexander is someone who I believe really tries to make a difference in Washington. He was recognized by the National Association of Manufactures for his "pro-growth, pro-jobs" record. Alexander said " Tennessee auto industry is strong because we made it possible for manufactures to make it in the United States, what they sell in the United States". He supports policies that would make the United States the best place in the world to manufacture and attract foreign investment, expand access to global markets and to develop a twenty-first century work force.

3.) Senator Bob Corker is just one of three republicans in the senate to be in favor of strategic reduction of weapons. I strongly disagree with this action I believe the United States of America must always be the strongest nation in the world. I believe we are on the verge of a major war as we look around the world is at deteriorating conditions. Now is not the time to reduce our military or our weaponry.

I commented on: Robert Cook, Tinisha Key, and Stephanie Griffin.        


  1. I, too, agree that Lamar Alexander's agenda is full of positive change. From my research I also gathered that he had a great record for promoting growth within our country. He was the reason that Tennessee is now the third state in auto production. If that didn't provide jobs, I don't knwo what will.

  2. Very good post, Senator Alexander does seem to have a lot of ideas that may benefit a lot of people in Tennessee, clean air, good jobs.

  3. I agree with several of the champions that Lamar Alexander supports. I believe he is a man of strong morals. I have always felt as though he is genuinely concerned for the well- being of others. He dedicates his life to improving both our state and country. In my opinion, one of his best characteristics is that he is a man of strong moral convictions and traditional values.

  4. I agree with uo about Bob Corker. This seems to be the way we all feel. He does not seem anywhere near as politically active as Lamar Alexander. He has always fought for what he beleived in and he has sponsored some very good legislation. I disagree however when it comes to arms reduction and I hate to even think about nuclear weapons.
